In DtNL’s Learning Development Programs have consistently inspired action, not just short-term action but long term sustainable, repeatable action. We do this through our proprietary customization process. The Program we develop with YOU, is designed for YOU and YOUR TEAM. There are larger sales training organizations than us, there are also more well-funded sales training organizations than us, however, we believe, if you’re looking for engagement throughout the Program and continued lift in sales, we are YOUR choice.
The Well Asked Question
In this riveting 45-90 min presentation, listeners will engage in stories, learn the key connection points to gain meetings and learn exactly HOW to communicate most effectively with their clients and prospects. This cutting edge, yet approachable ideas, help clients take the next steps in a sales/relational process.
Time Optimization
During this 45-120 min session, those who feel overwhelmed, exhausted, or unproductive so many days of the week, will learn how THEY can be most productive each day. This captivating presentation participants will learn EXACTLY HOW they get on the path toward higher productivity and better balance in their lives.
Getting the Meeting
More and more Sales Executives are struggling to earn quality time on the calendars of their best clients and prospects. In this inspiring 45-90 min presentation participants will learn EXACLTY HOW the best of the best is getting more meetings, with the KEY clients and prospects, AND HOW those meeting are setting up to the MOST productive outcomes.
Closing (Helping Clients take that final step in the sales process)
Next to “Getting the Meeting” this seems to perplex Sales Executives most. So often Sales Leaders hear their Team say, “I’m just not a good closer” or “My clients don’t want me to close them, so I don’t.” In this 45-90 min presentation participants will learn the best steps to take that set up for the most effective close. These proven ideas help the most “non-committal” client and prospect take the next steps.
Follow Through (not “follow up”)
Many of the time management issues or “I’m not sure if I got everything done today” feelings or pipeline management challenges center on ineffective Follow Through. We’re consistently reminded that many of the task management issue sales folks face will be resolved with an executable, sustainable Follow Through The what to do isn’t the trouble, the HOW to do it amid all the other responsibilities of the salesperson is. These sessions give you/your Team the precise road map on HOW to sustainably execute throughout the sales process.